Friday, October 28, 2011

Balance Your Life

I recently spoke to a group of young professionals about career development. Inevitably the topic of work-life balance came up as it always does. A conversation with a good friend today reminded me of it and now I share my response with you.

Work-life balance. I hear about it all the time. People seek it. People feel victimized by it. People think it's a myth. I think it's ridiculous.

You don't need work-life balance. You need to balance your life just like you balance your checkbook. You wouldn't go to the bank and say, "oh, I just couldn't say no. They just kept expecting more and more from me and I just couldn't say no." They'd laugh out loud and promptly close your account. You would be considered a risky investment and shown the door. Hear me now - you are a risk to yourself if you can't balance your life.

Life is the whole thing. We eat, sleep, love, breathe, dream, play, and work. Each is a part of the larger whole. To utter the term "work-life balance" suggests that your work is as large as your life; to lament that you've been defeated by it suggests that you've allowed your work to be larger than your life.

You have 24 hours to spend each day and you are in charge of how they are spent. Decide what is important to you and spend your hours with purpose.

Balance your life.


  1. Is a whole life about "doing" less and "giving" more to that which gives joy and meaning?

    Love your White Paper blog!

  2. Stephanie dear,
    So proud of you, both for deciding to write the blog and to tackle this question.
    Your writing speaks to your truth and all of our truths. It is about the choices we make. It is about how we feel when we decide we are so important to our workplace that it's okay to use up more of our personal and family times for the work goals.
    I hope what you have written turns into reality in your own life. My own intention is to use my time in a way that not only contributes to making the world one that works for all, but that also continues to have peace, joy and love flowing into my being.
    You are one incredible young woman and I give thanks for having you in my life.
    Love, Carol
